
[ Inquiry Usage Information ]

Thank you for your interest in contacting KDDI Singapore. Please read the following before you make Inquiry.

  • Please complete the required items correctly in the Inquiry form.
    Please note that we may not be able to answer your Inquiry if the required items
    (* marked column) are not entered or if the information is not sufficient.
  • While every effort will be made to respond as fast as possible to your Email Address, it may take some time to do so depending on your specific queries.
  • Personal information received will only be used for replies with regards to your Inquiry and not for any other purposes.
  • Replies from our company shall not be reproduced or quoted without prior permission.

Inquiry Form

Please complete all the necessary information in the below Inquiry form.

※This is an error in text input field. Please fill in the missing information.

Company Name:
Your Name:  *required item
*Please leave a space between given name and family name
E-mail Address:  *required item
*Please input with a half-size letter.
Verify E-mail Address:  *required item
*For confirmation, please input your E-mail Address again.
Contact Number:
Regarding for:  *required item
Example: NW: Internet、Global Ethernet、Global IP-VPN、International Leased Circuit
DC: Data Center、Colocation、Managed Service、DR/BCP
ICT Solution: IT Equipment、PC、LAN/WAN、Maintenance、Security、Cloud
Others: Other Inquiries
Your Comment: Please enter your Inquiry's details here. *required item