TELEHOUSE EUROPE (President; Tokuji Mitsui), an European entity of KDDI Corporation opened "TELEHOUSE ISTANBUL" in Istanbul, Turkey, on March 28th, 2011 to provide data center services that match the "TELEHOUSE" global standard.
The opening of TELEHOUSE ISTANBUL will bring the total number of TELEHOUSE sites to 20 sites in 13 cities straddling 10 regions worldwide (approximately 119,000 square meters).

"TELEHOUSE ISTANBUL" is the first high quality data center to operate in Turkey under the "TELEHOUSE" brand, to be opened by TELEHOUSE EUROPE, based on a strategic partnership contract with TEKNOTEL, a company that provides satellite and internet communication services and system integration services in Turkey.

The data center is located on the Asian side of Istanbul, that is considered as the commercial centre of the region. In addition to the redundancy to meet carrier diversity, it has two routes of power supply from uninterruptible power supply (UPS), supplied via different power substations, and backup generator in incidences such as blackouts. Extensive security measures have been implemented, which include 24 hours/365 days monitoring system and access management using biometrics authentication, to provide an environment where customers can safely assign their ICT resources.

Turkey is one of the VISTA [1] countries that have high expectancies for economic growth and serves an important role as a manufacturing base for Europe. The country is also tied to Middle Eastern countries from both a cultural and commercial aspect. Increasing number of companies have advanced into Turkey as they perceive the country to be an important area connecting Europe and Asia. "TELEHOUSE ISTANBUL" is expected to serve not only Japanese and foreign companies, but also telecommunication operators from Europe the Middle East and Asia that operate within Turkey.

Please see the attached information for more details about TELEHOUSE ISTANBUL.

[1] VISTA is a group of emerging countries (Vietnam, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey and Argentine) expected to show rapid growth after BRICs nations.
